what is elasticity , plasticity and strain hardening?
Elasticity :
This is the property of a material to regain its original shape after deformation when the external forces are removed. When the material is in elastic region the strain disappears completely after removal of the load, The stress-strain relationship in elastic region need not be linear and can be non-linear (example rubber). The maximum stress value below which the strain is fully recoverable is called the elastic limit. It is represented by point A in figure. All materials are elastic to some extent but the degree varies, for example, both mild steel and rubber are elastic materials but steel is more elastic than rubber.
When the stress in the material exceeds the elastic limit, the material enters into plastic phase where the strain can no longer be completely removed. Under plastic conditions materials ideally deform without any increase in stress. A typical stress strain diagram for an elastic-perfectly plastic material is shown in the figure. Mises-Hanky criterion gives a good starting point for plasticity analysis.
Strain hardening:
If the material is reloaded from point C, it will follow the previous unloading path and line CB becomes its new elastic region with elastic limit defined by point B. Though the new elastic region CB resembles that of the initial elastic region OA, the internal structure of the material in the new state has changed. The change in the microstructure of the material is clear from the fact that the ductility of the material has come down due to strain hardening. When the material is reloaded, it follows the same path as that of a virgin material and fails on reaching the ultimate strength which remains unaltered due to the intermediate loading and unloading process.
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